Remove X-Powered-By Headers in Plesk

When you host your websites with Plesk (Linux), it by default adds “X-Powered-By” response headers to each HTTP request. This problem usually is server-wide, meaning it could affect all of your websites if you have a Plesk server.

The presence of these headers is not only a security flaw, but it also adds additional bytes to each HTTP request, when a visitor is viewing your site content. And by “each” I mean that every image, javascript or css file downloaded from your website will be returned with these headers – which all of course sums up.

Check if your server is affected by this problem

#1 Open your website via Google Chrome browser, right click on the window and press on “Inspect” – this will open up Google Chrome Developer Tools.

#2 Click on the “Network” tab, then choose “Doc” in the request filter and select the first HTML document loaded from your website domain

#3 Now look at the “Headers” tab of the particular request and inspect the “Response Headers” section. Look for “X-Powered-By” headers – if you see at least one of these, you know for sure – this security flaw affects you.

How to remove X-Powered-By headers from a Plesk server

First login to your Plesk server via SSH as a root user.

Remove X-Powered-By: PleskLin header

For this you will need to edit the Plesk settings file (panel.ini). Use the linux command below to open this file:

Now, as with the usual “vi” editor, press the “INSERT” key to edit the file contents and append these lines to the file (or just the xPoweredByHeader variable under the [webserver] section if it already exists on this file):

Exit the editing mode by pressing an ESC key. Type in the console :wq! afterwards and press enter to save the file and exit the file editor.

As a final step – recreate the web-server configuration for domains with this command:

Remove X-Powered-By: PHP header

Check what kind of PHP versions are installed on your server. This command should output something like “8.1, 8.2, 8.3”:

For each PHP version you will need to add PHP configuration snippet separately.

Repeat these further steps for each of the listed PHP versions:

#1 Check if a PHP version has the “expose_php” directive enabled – use this command, but replace the X.X in it with a PHP version which is installed on your server:

#2 If you see it enabled, execute this command which will create a PHP configuration snippet “hideheader.ini” with a necessary PHP setting to disable the “expose_php” directive and remove PHP version from the HTTP headers:

Reboot your server

Last step – restart your server with a “reboot” command. You will experience a little bit of downtime but this will be the easiest way to reload PHP configuration for all websites.

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About the author
I'm a full-stack WordPress developer with a 10+ years of solid experience in the core web development languages, development processes / techniques, web security, Linux server management and with pretty good understanding about proper semantics, UX/UI, technical SEO, good design and basic knowledge of company leadership. On top of that - a distant 5+ years experience as a computer and electronics repair technician which often enables me to understand also how the things work at the hardware level.
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