About me and DoInWP.com

Edgars Abolins, author at DoinWP.com


I’m Edgars Abolins – a WordPress developer from Latvia and the founder of the DoInWP.com website. Knowing how hard it is sometimes to find good solutions for problems, I’ve created this project as a helpful reminder for me and (hopefully) a useful resource for other web developers out there who seek answers to questions about how to properly drive a WordPress website – what solutions to put in place to make it fast, stable and SEO friendly.

On this website you’ll find:

  • Tips on how to improve WordPress performance and security
  • Answers to popular questions about how to properly host and maintain a WordPress based website
  • Interesting techniques on how you can improve SEO rankings and User Experience
  • Useful resources and tools for productive web development
  • Various solutions to problems related to WordPress, hosting, and web development in general.

Goals and objectives of DoInWP

One of my personal goals here is to provide quality content and do it with a special kind of approach – post articles about different kinds of topics and keep them updated with precise, actual information that is based on substantiated facts. Objectives – mainly it is just a sport of some sort to see how useful this website will become for others. The other thing that I like about it, is that at the same time while running this, I see DoInWP as a tool that will help me to constantly focus and keep myself updated about all the important topics and innovations in the field.

My own personal story