Remove WooCommerce “LIVE” admin bar button

With the release of WooCommerce version 9.3.3 a new useless element has appeared in the WordPress admin bar – “Live” button which symbolizes that the WooCommerce built-in “Coming Soon” mode has been disabled.

While many of the WordPress users will not pay much of attention to it, for some it could seem confusing, unnecessary or misleading since WooCommerce will show “LIVE” also on the development and staging environments.

Luckily the “Live” button can be removed with a few lines of code which you need to add to your theme functions.php file or a must-use plugin:

/*Remove WooCommerce "live" button from the WordPress admin bar*/ 
add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', function() {
    global $wp_admin_bar;
    $wp_admin_bar->remove_node( 'woocommerce-site-visibility-badge' );
}, 100 );

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I'm a full-stack WordPress developer with a 10+ years of solid experience in the core web development languages, development processes / techniques, web security, Linux server management and with pretty good understanding about proper semantics, UX/UI, technical SEO, good design and basic knowledge of company leadership. On top of that - a distant 5+ years experience as a computer and electronics repair technician which often enables me to understand also how the things work at the hardware level.
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